Online Reading Test - Understand your Reading Skills
Our online Reading Test is available to English-speaking individuals and organisations – typically based in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada.
The reading skills module is an optional extra, currently free of charge, for anyone undertaking our QuickScreen Dyslexia Test (for those aged 17+) – either as an individual or via an organisation (eg employer, University, support centre.)
Reading is such an important skill that is closely linked to levels of educational and professional performance, as well as being a rewarding personal activity for enjoyment, relaxation and building knowledge.
What to expect from this Online Reading Test
The online reading test typically takes 30 minutes to complete and is suitable for individuals where English is a first/fluent language.
The format is based upon the well-established elements of reading comprehension, while also going further to include additional reading skills.
Your reading test enables you / your organisation to find out:
- how well you read against a number of criteria, along with your overall reading score
- areas you need to develop further
- if you have any possible processing difficulties, or a specific learning difficulty / dyslexia, that may be hampering your reading fluency*.
The results of the online reading test are available immediately online, with an option to download the report.
*This reading test has been independently verified to be a reliable indicator (80-87%) to predict dyslexia and/or processing difficulties.

Your Reading Test Results
Your online reading test results report has graphs and explanatory text relating to these seven areas:
- Reading Accuracy
- Reading Fluency
- Silent Reading Speed
- Comprehension (factual, inference, overview)
- Comprehension (vocabulary, general knowledge)
- Comprehension (sequencing, organisation)
- Overall Reading score
The report also contains advice about what different scores mean and some suggestions for support where needed. It also includes reading tips.
This online reading test is not intended to be a full dyslexia screener since there are some people with dyslexia who are fluent readers. Nevertheless, research indicates that many people with dyslexia are significantly slower readers and this will be confirmed in the reading test results report.
"I think this is a really valuable reading test, and there are some strategies for assisting in each area." (Individual)
"A very useful bolt-on for current QS users. Especially with the additional information to enable improvement irrespective of current achievement levels." (Organisation)
Additional Information
The online reading test is available to individuals purchasing the QuickScreen Dyslexia Test and organisations who have purchased a QuickScreen annual licence.
Individuals can choose whether to complete the dyslexia test and the online reading test, or just the dyslexia test.
An administrator at an organisation can select whether a candidate undertakes the dyslexia test or the reading test, or both.
The reading test results report provides results on reading speed, reading accuracy and reading fluency based on adult national norms.
The test is based upon the well-established elements of reading comprehension and will test retrieval of facts, inference, overview and assimilation of ideas.
However, it will go further and include sequencing of information and organisation of facts and ideas – a specific aspect of reading that can be particularly challenging for some readers.
Other reading-related skills such as knowledge of vocabulary and general knowledge are also included.
When all of these elements are taken into consideration they provide a practical overview and an overall reading score.
The online reading test will be further reviewed in an independent statistical survey in late 2024. All the findings will be presented on our website and its efficacy for use.
Please contact us at HQ on [email protected] for further information, whether you are based in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, USA or Canada. Thank you.
More testimonials for the Reading Test
“It’s the first time I’ve done a reading test like this so it was an interesting experience.”
“I think the questions were phrased in a way that really made you think, so I think it is pitched just about right.”
“The feedback from the report is useful too. It’s valuable to know where my reading test scores sit alongside other peoples (i.e. whether above or below average), and I will take into consideration the tips that are provided about strategies to improve things.”
Need Help?
Please get in touch if you have any technical or general support questions about the test or your test results. We’re happy to help and will do our best to respond within 24 working hours.
Call +44 (0)20 8674 9571 between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday, UK time, or
Email [email protected] or use the form on our contact page.