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Do we all show signs of dyslexia as we age?

The QuickScreen dyslexia test confirms research that says we start to show signs of mild dyslexia as we get older.

Dyslexia in older adults was the focus of a study carried out at Dundee University (Aging makes us Dyslexic, 2012). Professor Trevor Harley demonstrates that normal ageing can make us mildly dyslexic.

This is because of the gradual decline in higher brain functioning (executive processing). It is consistent with slower word and speech processing, lapses in memory and concentration. The main finding being that phonetic processing difficulties are experienced by older non-dyslexic adults and younger dyslexics alike.

A correlated finding about dyslexia in older adults was found by Professor Levinson, at the Levinson Medical Center for Learning Disabilities in New York. He found that ageing also makes us physically more clumsy. Our motor functioning and co-ordination gradually become less reliable. This difficulty is also known to affect a number of dyslexic people of all ages to a greater or lesser extent.

Our own research into all the results of adults taking the QuickScreen dyslexia test, shows that older users (aged 45 – 65), with no history of learning difficulties, will manage most of the test items with relative ease and consistent results.

However, they tend to do significantly less well on a specific task that requires processing information, memory and hand-eye co-ordination under timed conditions. In this task older adults who are not dyslexic appear to experience similar difficulties to younger dyslexic adults.

The QuickScreen dyslexia test is available for individuals and organisations as a means to flag up indicators of dyslexia. The test is for everyone of 17 years and over – it is not just about screening for dyslexia in older adults. The test is far more thorough than many others – it goes beyond pure literacy skills. The elements that make up the test are Verbal Skills, Visual Skills, Vocabulary, Memory, Sequencing and Processing.

On completion, you are provided with a very comprehensive report of the outcomes of all elements of the test and recommended actions. The test can be completed within 1 hour or in stages.

We will continue with our observations and would love to hear what your thoughts and experiences are about dyslexia in older adults. Please comment on this blog and/or email us on [email protected].

We are delighted to be supporting the British Dyslexia Association again for the 2019 Dyslexia Awareness Week.

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