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BBC article about ‘Schools failing to diagnose 80% of dyslexic pupils’

The BBC has published an article today about 80% of schools are failing to diagnose dyslexic pupils.

The report research that was undertaken was conducted by the British Dyslexia Association (BDA), they said “diagnosis and support was the worst it had seen since government funding started in the 1980s”. They also added, “funding for support was being routinely cut or removed to meet budget demands and current education system was ‘loaded against’ students who had the condition”.

Published by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Differences, the report examined the financial and attainment cost to the education of students who had not been diagnosed or properly supported.

Here is the full article.

What we think…

At Pico Education (founder of QS Dyslexia Tests), we are fully committed to helping make dyslexia identification more accessible and less costly. There are some very inspirational headteachers who are doing their best to bring a fairer system. There are specialist tutors who are qualified to carry out assessments who have a much better working knowledge of the child in question and of the individual support requirements.

It was mentioned that educational psychologists are still considered to be the best person to come and consult. This disparity also still manifest in the fact that there is quite a price difference between the cost of assessments with the educational psychologists commanding a higher fee. Plus screening tools are still not taken sufficiently seriously – a change could make a substantial difference to the opening statistics.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about our dyslexia testing products – we’d be happy to assist you!

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