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Is reading fluency a good predictor of dyslexia?

It is generally acknowledged that a lack of reading fluency is one of the main predictors of dyslexia.

This was substantiated In January 2025, when it was reported that an academic panel of experts indicated that ‘a difficulty in reading fluency is a key marker of dyslexia’ (i).

In order to explore this further, in 2024 QS Dyslexia Tests launched a new online Reading Test focusing on an analysis of adult reading skills. The result is yes, reading fluency a good predictor of dyslexia (see more below).

The QS Reading Test included some interactive features (reading accuracy and fluency) and aimed to cover a range of aspects related to reading, such as speed, accuracy, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary and general knowledge, and resulted in a full report and overall score.

The reading skills test has been offered as an optional module for all who do the online QuickScreen Dyslexia Test.

Data from 2024 has been independently analysed and verified and the results concluded that:

  • where the online Reading Test is used as a screener, it will be an 80% reliable indicator for whether the candidate has processing difficulties or dyslexia
  • this rises to 87% in participants where English is their second language.

This is in keeping with the fact that adults with dyslexia, who have adopted various compensatory strategies, are overall still likely to experience fluctuations in fluency. 

The independent analysis of the online reading skills test also produced findings which have been summarised below.


  1. Statistically sound

The recent independent statistical survey (ii), completed in autumn 2024, has verified a strong correlation between the reading skills test results and the established QuickScreen Dyslexia Test’s reading levels (which are already independently verified to have a high accuracy rate of 93% with a strong predictive capacity for dyslexia of 97%​) . ​

​The data for the independently verified analysis ​of the new reading skills test was gathered from participants who completed both the online QuickScreen Dyslexia Test and ​the online Reading Test from 1st February 2024 until 21st July 2024, including all candidates who came forward to do the test via their university, college or workplace assessment process, as well as members of the public (aged 17 to 74). 

The reading skills test may now become a stand-alone test, since it has proved to be another possible first step in screening for dyslexia and processing difficulties.

  1. Best indicator of dyslexia

From an exploration of the various online Reading Test scores the survey identified that the reading fluency score is statistically proven to have a good predictive capacity for indicating whether a participant will have dyslexia and/or processing difficulties.

The reading fluency score is obtained from combining the results from the speed of silent reading and accuracy of reading elements of the test.  It is based on the nationally recognized method for identifying levels of individual reading fluency.

It is the second score in the table of results on the test graph.

This score is available to those who carry out the test using the facility for voice activation.

The study stated that ‘The optimal reading fluency cut-off to classify a participant as being dyslexic is 70%.’

That would translate to anyone whose score on the reading fluency is at the lower end of average (amber), low average (deep amber) or below average (red).

The survey concluded that ‘The reading fluency score has been and could be considered as a useful initial screener of dyslexia; applying this cut-off to the sample, we find an accuracy of 80%.’ Therefore if the online Reading Test is used as a screener it will be an 80% reliable indicator for whether the candidate has processing difficulties or dyslexia.

The use of the online Reading Test, therefore, is quite varied. It can be administered as a first step to identify difficulties. But it can also be administered together with the QuickScreen Dyslexia Test in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in the reading process.

  1. English as a second/third language

The online reading test has been shown to be even more of an effective screener for candidates whose first language is not English.

‘Comparing the results of the online Reading Test between those participants where English is their first language and those where it is their second language, we find that a higher proportion of the dyslexic subgroup for participants where English is their second language are flagged in the online Reading Test (87%)’

Therefore it presents us with a positive case for asking candidates whose first language is not English and who want to know more about their difficulties in learning – to complete the QS online Reading Test, knowing that it has an 87% accuracy rate for coming up with the correct conclusion.

‘Typically, we find that reading accuracy, speed and fluency are lower on average for those participants where English is their second compared to first language, but we do not find a difference in vocabulary and general knowledge or comprehension.’

‘Interestingly, participants with English as a second language take longer on average to complete the online Reading Test; they are potentially less likely to rush the test than those participants with English as a first language.’

To access the full online Reading Test study see the research update on our website.

  1. Overall picture

As general research in this area would confirm, overall, the data from the QS online Reading Test does support the hypothesis that those with dyslexia have on average, poorer reading speed, accuracy and comprehension.

However, we also recognise that the participants in our study will likely have made improvements in their learning since their previous diagnosis was received, which may not have been very recently, as they will have attained satisfactory or good levels of literacy by the time they entered higher education.

The statistical survey adds:

‘Research shows that with the right strategies people with dyslexia can achieve high levels of literacy’ (see Brèthes et al (2022)(iii), Fink (1998)(iv).

Any well-compensated individuals may be asymptomatic or more borderline in their dyslexia symptoms and reading abilities and therefore the online Reading Test may find it more difficult to identify these lesser symptoms.


In the light of the above, the online Reading Test has been shown to be moderately successful in identifying processing difficulties/dyslexia (between 80-87%), whilst acknowledging that there are a number of people with dyslexia who are fluent readers who would not be identified solely from the online Reading Test. 

The online Reading Test will, however, provide all candidates with access to a detailed insight into a variety of reading related issues, and, where need be, present some practical suggestions and techniques for further improvement.

Dr D Walker – Pico Education Dyslexia Lead Consultant – Jan 2025


(i) Dyslexia defined: What teachers and schools can do. Dyslexia, the myths, the facts and how teachers can help – TESJ Carroll, Dr M Dixon, M Snowling and C Holden Jan 2025.

(ii) Statistical Analysis for the QS Online Reading Test – Select Statistical Services. L.McColl Sept. 2024.

(iii) Brèthes, H., Cavalli, E., Denis-Noël, A. , Melmi, J., El Ahmadi, A., Bianco, M., Colé, P. (2022) ‘Text Reading Fluency and Text Reading Comprehension Do Not Rely on the Same Abilities in University Students With and Without Dyslexia’, Frontiers in Psychology, 13, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.866543

(iv) Fink, R.P. Literacy development in successful men and women with dyslexia. Ann. of Dyslexia 48, 311–346 (1998).

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