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What is the accuracy of the QuickScreen Dyslexia Test?

Personas hands on laptop while completing online dyslexia test - QS Dyslexia Tests

We strongly believe the importance of how accurate our QuickScreen test is for identifying someone having dyslexia.

At QS we regularly invest and undergo independent research through a company called, Select Statistical Services. We want to give the reassurance that our test is verified and proven, and not just because we say it is.

We want you to feel reassured that you can trust our QuickScreen Dyslexia Test. The report provided at the end of our test allows support programmes to be put together, adjustments made in the workplace and wherever possible, additional time in written exams can also be considered.

Our most recent independent research report was conducted throughout December 2020 and January 2021. Previously to this we have research reports from 2018 and dating back as far as 1998.

Research Results 2021

The results showed that the QuickScreen test is estimated to have a high overall accuracy rate of 93% together with a strong predictive capacity for dyslexia of 97%. This assessment was to see how accurate our dyslexia test is and how it correctly identifies people who have/haven’t got dyslexia.

An essential step in the evaluation process of any diagnostic/screening test is to assess its accuracy. The overall accuracy of a diagnostic test indicates how good it is at correctly identifying people with and without the condition in question. It is the probability that someone’s status is correctly identified by the test.

Candidates undertook a test via their university, college or workplace assessment process, along with members of the public who requested access to the test via the website between mid-December 2020 and January 2021. Participants with a previous positive assessment for dyslexia were considered in the dyslexic group for analysis. The non-dyslexic group included those without a previous assessment and who reported no life-long difficulties with literacy. A separate control group of non-dyslexics was also included, comprising self-selected volunteers without dyslexia.

Previous Research Reports

Independent statistical research for our QuickScreen Dyslexia Test in 2016-2017 and 2018, confirmed that there is strong evidence and a direct correlation between a positive dyslexia indication from the QuickScren test and an independent dyslexia assessment. Take a look at our research page to read the full reports.

Upgrading Our Test

At the end of 2020, the QuickScreen Dyslexia Test went under a significant upgrade with new functionality and reporting for both individuals and organisations.

QuickScreen now presents test scores in a ‘Table of Results’ that is more in line with an educational psychologist’s report. Learn about what the Table of Results is.

If you have any questions regarding our dyslexia test, please get in touch – we’re more than happy to help you.

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