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The QS Blog – Demystifying Dyslexia

Just in case you missed this great news...
Workplaces places are carrying out dyslexia screening at the recruitment and training stages which means dyslexia is being supported right from the beginning...
Learning styles may have fallen out of favour now in the classroom teaching environment, but for people with dyslexia they continue to be a valuable tool.
If you haven't optimised the screen on your phone or computer, you may well be dealing with the symptoms of Screen Fatigue ...
If you think you're dyslexic, taking an online test could be beneficial to you ...
Join us as we look back at how dyslexia testing has evolved since we launched the first online dyslexia test in 1997 ...
Do you think you or someone you know has dyslexia? You may be wondering how to get a correct diagnosis ...
The new software on Apple iPads, iPhones and Macs is packed with handy tools to help dyslexics with everyday tasks ...
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